Agenda item

Additional Tree Planting - Parliament Hill Area of Hampstead Heath

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


Members considered a report of the Director of Open Spaces setting out proposals received from the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum for additional tree and hedge planting across the Parliament Hill area of Hampstead Heath.


Three proposals were submitted by the Dartmouth Park Neighbourhood Forum (DPNF) for tree planting opportunities both along the eastern boundary of the Heath and along the Broad Walk. Two main options were offered by the Heath’s Tree Officer: 1) a formal approach including avenues and a natural approach including groups of trees or 2) the planting of groups of trees in clusters of three’s, five’s and seven’s along the Broad walk. Members saw this as a good opportunity to contribute to increasing carbon capture and biodiversity for the area.


A Member (Hampstead Rugby Club) supported the tree planting but was concerned that planting in the area shown in Figures 2 and 3 would impact leisure and recreation was the area was currently being used as an overspill area for clubs and schools, e.g. school PE classes, football and quidditch games.  


Officers confirmed that the Figures provided reflected the eventual size of the trees after 50+ years when they had increased in size. It was agreed that both could co-exist, and the trees could be positioned to not interfere with the recreational use of the area.


The Superintendent advised that the next steps were to include plans to the AWP for next year on a phased approach. It was noted that there was a sponsorship opportunity to plant trees at a cost £335 per tree.


RESOLVED – That Members:-


·         Provide feedback on the options set out;


·         Provide views on the two options linked to Project 17, as outlined in paragraph 19.


Supporting documents: