Agenda item

Grants of Between £100,001 and £250,000 for Approval

Report of the CGO


The Committee considered a report of the CGO advising Members of funds recommended for approval for amounts between £100,000 and £250,000, including strategic initiatives. The CGO advised of a small amendment to the wording of the recommendation in respect of the Community Drugs and Alcohol Recovery Services and tabled an amended report for Members’ consideration.


RESOLVED – That the City Bridge Trust Committee receive the report and approve the recommended amounts for the following applications:


  1. Community Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services


APPROVED £110,550 (3 x £36,850) for a full-time Health and Wellbeing Outreach Worker (plus on-costs) to deliver mental health support services to isolated clients at a range of venues across the borough. Release of the grant in years 2 and 3 is conditional on evidence that CDARS’ free reserves are expected to return to a level equivalent to 3 months total expenditure and clarification of the restricted reserve forecast.


  1. Revolving Doors Agency


APPROVED £133,130 over 5 years (£31,000, £29,860, £27,000, £24,170, £21,100) to support the costs of further developing the London Regional User Forum.


  1. St. Christopher’s Hospice


APPROVED £165,250 over three years (£56,650; £54,400; £54,200) for the salary and associated costs of a f/t Project Manager to adapt and establish Compassionate Neighbours to support older, frail, socially isolated people in Bromley.


  1. St. Pancras Community Association


APPROVED £125,000 over five years (£25,000 x 5) for a Co-Ordinator (0.5FTE), activities, and associated running costs of the Golden Years programme.


  1. Step by Step


APPROVED £247,700 over five years (£49,060; £50,232; £49,332; £49,456; £49,620) towards the salary and running costs of dedicated weekly arts, crafts and music sessions for 48 disabled young people aged 4-18 years.


  1. Tempo Time Credits Ltd


APPROVED £202,000 over four years (£65,000; £60,500; £47,500; £29,000) towards the development of Time Credits networks in London, funding in each year conditional on a workplan being provided.


  1. Young Hammersmith and Fulham Foundation


APPROVED £200,832 over five years (£55,000; £50,000; £45,000; £30,000; £20,000) towards the salary costs of a f/t Business Development Manager and a f/t Consortium Development manager plus project-related costs.


  1. Ambition Aspire Achieve


APPROVED £127,000 over three years (£48,000; £43,000; £36,000) towards the salary costs of the Operations Manager, a new SEND Coordinator, sessional staff and project activities to develop and deliver services for young people with special educational needs or disabilities transitioning into adulthood.


  1. BeyondAutism


APPROVED £178,000 over five years (£46,000; £42,000; £42,000; £29,000; £19,000) for the salary and support costs of a full-time specialist vocational practitioner along with the production costs of an employment toolkit for a programme that will help maximise the workforce participation of young people with autistic spectrum disorders with multiple and complex needs.


  1. NOVA New Opportunities


APPROVED £150,000 over five years (£30,000 per annum) towards 14 hours per week of the current WCP Programme Manager and 17.5 hours per week of a new WCP Assistant. Release of each year’s payments is subject to the receipt of satisfactory management accounts, until such time that free reserves reach a reasonable level.


  1. Roundabout


APPROVED £125,600 over five years (£19,400; £19,400; £22,800; £32,000; £32,000) towards the costs of the salaries of the co-Chief Executives over five years. Salaries for the first three years will be part-funded by a recently confirmed grant from the Henry Smith Charity, which runs for three years.


  1. Sutton Mencap


APPROVED £156,400 over 3 years (£52,100, £50,100, £54,200) towards a Digital Paths to Inclusion programme which combines the use of digital technology with increasing the voice of people with a learning disability in their local community.


  1. Grandparents Plus


APPROVED £211,900 over 5 years (£40,000; £41,000; £42,300; £43,600; £45,000) towards a FTE Senior Advice Worker (London) and associated costs.


  1. Disability Rights UK


APPROVED £175,000 over five years (5 x £35,000) towards the salaries, operating and management costs of the London element of the Independent Living Helpline and Members’ Advice Line.

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