Issue - meetings

Risk Committee

Meeting: 10/01/2022 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 10.)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 1 November 2021.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 10.

Meeting: 01/11/2021 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 9.)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 6 September 2021.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 9.

Meeting: 06/09/2021 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 11)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 5 July 2021.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 11


Meeting: 05/07/2021 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 9)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 8 March 2021.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 9


Meeting: 24/03/2021 - Barbican Centre Board (Item 14)

Non-Public Minutes


The draft non-public minutes of the Finance & Risk Committee meeting held on 8 March 2021 were approved as a correct record.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 14

Meeting: 08/03/2021 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 8)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 11 Janaury 2021.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 8


The draft non-public minutes of the Finance & Risk Committee meeting held on 11 January 2021 were approved as a correct record.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 8

Meeting: 11/01/2021 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 10)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 2 November 2020.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 10


The draft non-public minutes of the Finance & Risk Committee meeting held on 2 November  2020 were approved as a correct record.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 10

Meeting: 02/11/2020 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 9)

Non-Public Minutes

To approve the non-public minutes of the last meeting held on 7 September 2020.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 9


The draft non-public minutes of the Finance & Risk Committee meeting held on 7 September 2020 were approved as a correct record.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 9

Meeting: 07/09/2020 - Finance and Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board (Item 8)

Risk Committee

To approve the non-public minutes of the Risk Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020.


 ...  view the full agenda text for item 8


The draft non-public minutes of the Risk Committee meeting held on 22 January 2020 were approved as a correct record.

 ...  view the full minutes text for item 8