This page lists the meetings for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sub-Committee.
Earlier meetings.
*For part of the year and then the Chief Commoner Designate for the remainder of the year (elected in October each year)
Terms of Reference
As a sub-committee reporting to Policy & Resources Committee and Corporate Services Committee responsible for:-
b. To consider matters of policy and strategic importance to the City of London Corporation in so far as these relate to the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion function.
c. To monitor and scrutinise EDI activities and outcomes against agreed Equality, Diversity & Inclusion objectives across all the activities of the City of London Corporation.
d. To be responsible for the creation and implementation an Equality Diversity & Inclusion officer governance structure across the City of London Corporation, including its services and its institutions.
e. To assess what the City of London Corporation does to tackle prejudice in all its forms and assess any further action that can be undertaken to promote economic, educational, and social inclusion.
f. To be responsible for making recommendations to help promote the merits of standing for office as an Alderman or Common Councilman, to enhance the diversity of the Court of Common Council.
g. To be responsible for providing guidance and challenge on the development of the City of London Corporation’s Equality, Diversity & Inclusion principles, Strategy, business plans and associated action plan.
h. To have oversight of steps taken by the City of London Corporation to comply with the 9 protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010, Chapter 1.
Reporting and Monitoring
i. To oversee updates to key Human Resources policies and procedures relating to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.
j. To provide guidance to officers that will ensure that the City Corporation is recognised as a world-class leader in the UK and internationally, ensuring Equality, Diversity & Inclusion is business and outcome focused
k. To act as representatives for the City of London Corporation on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion related activities it undertakes as an employer, service provider and global leader in the Financial and Professional Services sector
l. To consider new areas of work where the City of London Corporation can provide thought leadership in the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion sector.
Targets, Data and Metrics
m. To approve and monitor Equality, Diversity & Inclusion aspirational targets and agreed metrics to help deliver the City of London Corporation’s ambition as an inclusive employer, landlord, service provider and a global thought leader.
n. To review and provide feedback on the annual equalities data prior to releasing the annual equalities report on the City of London Corporations external website.
Socio-Economic Diversity
o. To oversee the implementation of the City of London Corporation’s Social Mobility Strategy 2018 to 2028 using the Five-point pathway recommended by the Socio-economic Taskforce in the Breaking the class barrier report, 2022.
p. To oversee and ensure that the City of London Corporation understands the criteria for accessibility set by the government and ensure that it works towards the government’s accessibility accreditation scheme
Budget and Resources
q. To oversee the mapping exercise of resources available for Equality Diversity & Inclusion work across the City of London, its services and institutions and suggest priorities within those.