Agenda item

Port Health and Public Protection Risks

Report of the Director of Markets & Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection regarding the risk management procedures in place within the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection. The Committee was informed that the previously circulated report was not the final version and a new report was tabled before Members. The changes were as follows:

·         The wording within the risk for repair delays for the Heathrow Animal Centre had been amended with no reference to the security doors. The risk update had been amended to show there had been no significant repair delays since the last assessment and the target date was amended from December 2016 to March 2017;

·         The risk update in relation to the IS systems failure at the Heathrow Animal Centre had been updated to show that a 24 hour support system had been implemented and the target date for this risk had been amended from December 2016 to March 2017.


In response to Members’ questions on why reports could not be printed in colour, the Town Clerk advised that this was due to cost efficiency savings, but a further response would be provided to the Committee.


Members advised that they were extremely displeased that the maintenance issues at the Heathrow Animal Centre had still not been resolved and there was considerable concern that a satisfactory answer had not been provided to the Committee in relation to these ongoing issues. The Port Health and Public Protection Director explained that some of the problems had been resolved, as highlighted in the updated report before Members; however there were ongoing issues which had recently been raised with the City Surveyor. The Port Health and Public Protection Director further advised that contract negotiations for a new supplier had involved a number of service departments. As a result of this the service provided should improve once the new contract was in place.


A representative of the City Surveyor advised the Committee that the new supplier should be in place from 2 July 2017 and that a report would be submitted to both the Finance Committee and the Court of Common Council. Arrangements were being put in place to address priority concerns in the interim until the new contract takes effect.  Members asked that the City Surveyor provide an update report via email to the Committee within two weeks. The City Surveyor undertook to provide a further update at the next meeting.


RESOLVED – That: -

a)    the Committee note the report and the actions taken in the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection to monitor and manage effectively risks arising from our operations; and

b)    a report be circulated to Members within two weeks from the City Surveyor and a further update be provided at the next meeting.

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