Agenda item

Board of Governors of the Guildhall School of Music & Drama - School and New Court Appointments

To note that the Guildhall School Governors are as follows:-


(i)            Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being

                        Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Hon FRAM BA (Hons) PhD ALCM

(ii)           Academic Member of the School Staff elected by the School’s Academic Staff – Pamela Lidiard

(iii)          Non-Academic Member of School Staff Elected by School Administrative Staff – Katharine Lewis

(iv)         Guildhall School Student Representative

                        Josh Chapman, President of the Students’ Union 2011/2012

                        Mr Chapman’s Term as President of The Students’ Union will expire                                  on 25 May 2012

(v)          6 Co-opted Governors

(vi)         11 Common Council Members; Ann Pembroke and Deputy John Barker were recently elected by the Court of Common Council.



RESOLVED – That the following Guildhall School Governors be noted:    

(i)            Principal of the Guildhall School for the time being

                        Professor Barry Ife CBE FKC Hon FRAM BA (Hons) PhD ALCM FRCM

(ii)           Academic Member of the School Staff elected by the School’s Academic Staff – Pamela Lidiard

(iii)          Non-Academic Member of School Staff Elected by School Administrative Staff – Katharine Lewis

(iv)         Guildhall School Student Representative

                        Josh Chapman, President of the Students’ Union 2011/2012

            Mr Chapman’s Term as President of The Students’ Union will expire on 31 July 2012

(v)          6 Co-opted Governors

(vi)         11 Common Council Members; Ann Pembroke and Deputy John Barker were recently elected by the Court of Common Council.