
The City of London Corporation has improved the way it manages information relating to its elected Members and Committees. As a result, detailed attendance record for individual Members and Committees are available from 19 April 2012 onwards. For historical data, please contact and we will provide any further information if it is available.

Meeting attendance of Tim Levene (Alderman)

Attendance statistics for Tim Levene (Alderman)
Statistic Count Percentage
Total expected attendances:31
Present as expected: 20   65%
Apologies received:8   73% of absences
Absent (incl. apologies):11   35%

Explanation of the statistics counts

Total expected attendances
The number of meetings that the Member was expected to attend in their capacity as member of that committee. This only includes meetings for which the Member's actual attendance status is known.
Present as expected
The number of meetings that the Member attended in their capacity as member of that committee.
Absent (incl. apologies)
Meetings not attended, where the member is a member of the committee, including apologies submitted.
This information is not included in the summary statistics above.

Other meeting statistics options

Meeting summary for Tim Levene (Alderman)
Date Committee Meeting Attendance
Private meeting, 22/05/2024, 11:30 Apologies received
Private meeting, 25/09/2024, 16:15 Expected
Private meeting, 07/06/2024, 09:30 Apologies received
Private meeting, 04/10/2024, 09:30 Present
Private meeting, 17/06/2024, 10:30 Absent
Private meeting, 16/09/2024, 12:00 Absent
12/06/2024, 09:30 Board of Governors of the City of London School ,12/06/2024, 09:30 Present
Private meeting, 07/10/2024, 14:00 Present
Private meeting, 19/06/2024, 13:30 Apologies received
Private meeting, 19/09/2024, 13:30 Apologies received
24/04/2024, 09:30 Capital Buildings Board ,24/04/2024, 09:30 Present
29/05/2024, 09:30 Capital Buildings Board ,29/05/2024, 09:30 Present
23/07/2024, 09:00 Capital Buildings Board ,23/07/2024, 09:00 Present
25/09/2024, 09:30 Capital Buildings Board ,25/09/2024, 09:30 Apologies received
14/05/2024, 12:30 Court of Aldermen ,14/05/2024, 12:30 Present
16/07/2024, 12:30 Court of Aldermen ,16/07/2024, 12:30 Apologies received
17/09/2024, 12:30 Court of Aldermen ,17/09/2024, 12:30 Expected
25/04/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,25/04/2024, 13:00 Present
23/05/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,23/05/2024, 13:00 Present
20/06/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,20/06/2024, 13:00 Present
25/07/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,25/07/2024, 13:00 Present
12/09/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,12/09/2024, 13:00 Apologies received
10/10/2024, 13:00 Court of Common Council ,10/10/2024, 13:00 Present
07/05/2024, 12:45 Finance Committee ,07/05/2024, 12:45 Present
04/06/2024, 12:45 Finance Committee ,04/06/2024, 12:45 Apologies received
23/07/2024, 12:45 Finance Committee ,23/07/2024, 12:45 Present
24/09/2024, 12:45 Finance Committee ,24/09/2024, 12:45 Absent
14/05/2024, 10:00 General Purposes Committee of Aldermen ,14/05/2024, 10:00 Present
16/07/2024, 10:00 General Purposes Committee of Aldermen ,16/07/2024, 10:00 Present
17/09/2024, 10:00 General Purposes Committee of Aldermen ,17/09/2024, 10:00 Present
Private meeting, 22/05/2024, 10:45 Present
Private meeting, 14/06/2024, 09:00 Present
Private meeting, 16/07/2024, 09:30 Present
09/05/2024, 15:30 Teachers' & Headteachers' Pay Panel of the City of London Schools ,09/05/2024, 15:30 Expected
11/06/2024, 08:45 Teachers' & Headteachers' Pay Panel of the City of London Schools ,11/06/2024, 08:45 Expected