Committee attendance

Court of Common Council, 6 meetings
Member Attendances
Sir William Anthony Bowater Russell (Alderman) 5
James Michael Douglas Thomson CBE, Deputy 5
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy 6
Philip Woodhouse 4
Judith Pleasance 1
Tom Sleigh 3
Paul Nicholas Martinelli, Deputy 3
Christopher Michael Hayward, Deputy 5
Christopher Paul Boden, Deputy 6
Gregory Jones KC (Alderman & Sheriff) 5
Graham Packham 4
Andrew Stratton McMurtrie JP 4
Alastair Michael Moss, Deputy 3
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy 6
Mark Raymond Peter Henry Delano Wheatley 3
Ann Holmes, Deputy 6
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman) 6
Sir Charles Edward Beck Bowman (Alderman) 4
George Christopher Abrahams 1
John David Absalom 0
Professor Michael Raymond Mainelli (Alderman) 2
Vincent Keaveny CBE (Alderman) 6
Michael John Cassidy CBE 4
Sir Peter Estlin (Alderman) 3
Professor Emma Edhem (Alderman) 4
Nicholas Michael Bensted-Smith JP 3
Simon Duckworth, Deputy OBE DL 5
Keith David Forbes Bottomley, Deputy 6
Christopher Makin (Alderman) 4
Dominic Gerard Christian 2
William Upton KC 5
Jason Paul Pritchard 2
Ruby Sayed 2
Prem Goyal OBE (Alderman) 5
Caroline Wilma Haines 5
Oliver Sells KC, Deputy 4
Tim Levene (Alderman) 3
Andrew Paul Mayer 3
Andrien Gereith Dominic Meyers, Deputy 5
Rehana Banu Ameer, Deputy 2
Munsur Ali 3
Alexander Robertson Martin Barr (Alderman) 5
Matthew Bell 6
Tijs Broeke 3
Mary Durcan JP 6
Chief Commoner Peter Gerard Dunphy, Deputy 6
Sir Nicholas Stephen Leland Lyons (Alderman) 3
Benjamin Daniel Murphy 3
Shravan Jashvantrai Joshi, Deputy MBE 6
Sophie Anne Fernandes 1
Dame Susan Langley, DBE (Alderwoman) 3
John William Fletcher, Deputy 5
Deborah Oliver TD 5
Natasha Maria Cabrera Lloyd-Owen, Deputy 3
Marianne Bernadette Fredericks, Deputy 6
Bronek Masojada (Alderman) 3
Alison Gowman CBE (Alderman) 4
Dawn Linsey Wright, Deputy 6
John Ernest Edwards, Deputy 6
Helen Lesley Fentimen OBE JP 6
Robert Picton Seymour Howard (Alderman) 5
Michael Hudson 5
Robert Charles Hughes-Penney (Alderman) 3
Wendy Hyde 5
Henry Llewellyn Michael Jones MBE 3
The Rt Hon. The Lord Mayor, Alastair John Naisbitt King DL (Alderman) 3
Gregory Alfred Lawrence 2
Steve Goodman OBE 6
Anett Rideg 5
Naresh Hari Sonpar 5
Timothy James McNally 4
David Sales 4
Mandeep Thandi 5
Shailendra Kumar Kantilal Umradia 3
Ian Bishop-Laggett 4
Madush Gupta, Deputy 6
Nighat Qureishi, Deputy 4
Luis Felipe Tilleria 1
The Honourable Emily Sophia Wedgwood Benn 4
Shahnan Bakth 1
Antony Geoffrey Manchester 1
James St John Davis 5
Martha Grekos (Alderwoman) 5
John Griffiths 6
Alpa Raja, Deputy 3
Glen David Witney 2
Jamel Banda 5
Joanna Tufuo Abeyie MBE 5
Anne Corbett 5
Elizabeth Anne King, BEM JP (Alderwoman) 6
Frances Leach 1
Paul Singh 4
Ceri Wilkins, Deputy 5
Brendan Barns 5
John Foley 6
Florence Keelson-Anfu 3
Eamonn James Mullally 6
Timothy Richard Butcher, Deputy 6
Anthony David Fitzpatrick 2
Irem Yerdelen 5
Aaron Anthony Jose Hasan D'Souza 3
Jason Groves 6
Jaspreet Hodgson 2
Alethea Silk 3
Charles Edward Lord, OBE JP 6
Jennette Rachel Newman (Alderwoman) 2
Amy Horscroft 3
Kawsar Zaman (Alderman) 4
Hugh Selka 5
Dawn Frampton 4
Simon Pryke (Alderman) 5
Jacqueline Roberts Webster 6
Suzanne Ornsby KC 4
David Williams 2
Catherine McGuinness CBE 5
Wendy Mead OBE 5
Brian Desmond Francis Mooney, Deputy BEM 4
Dr Giles Robert Evelyn Shilson, Deputy 0
Sir Michael Snyder, Deputy 5
James Richard Tumbridge 6
Ian Christopher Norman Seaton MBE 5
Sir Andrew Charles Parmley, (Alderman) 3
James Henry George Pollard, Deputy 4
Henrika Johanna Sofia Priest 3
Finance Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
James Michael Douglas Thomson CBE, Deputy 2
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy 3
Philip Woodhouse 3
Tom Sleigh 0
Paul Nicholas Martinelli, Deputy 1
Christopher Michael Hayward, Deputy 0
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy 3
Mark Raymond Peter Henry Delano Wheatley 1
George Christopher Abrahams 0
Sir Peter Estlin (Alderman) 2
Professor Emma Edhem (Alderman) 2
Nicholas Michael Bensted-Smith JP 1
Simon Duckworth, Deputy OBE DL 0
Keith David Forbes Bottomley, Deputy 0
Oliver Sells KC, Deputy 1
Tim Levene (Alderman) 2
Andrien Gereith Dominic Meyers, Deputy 1
Rehana Banu Ameer, Deputy 1
Benjamin Daniel Murphy 0
Sophie Anne Fernandes 1
Michael Hudson 2
Steve Goodman OBE 2
Madush Gupta, Deputy 3
Luis Felipe Tilleria 1
The Honourable Emily Sophia Wedgwood Benn 0
Shahnan Bakth 0
James St John Davis 1
Martha Grekos (Alderwoman) 2
Elizabeth Anne King, BEM JP (Alderwoman) 2
Paul Singh 1
Brendan Barns 3
Florence Keelson-Anfu 0
Timothy Richard Butcher, Deputy 3
Hugh Selka 3
Catherine McGuinness CBE 2
Brian Desmond Francis Mooney, Deputy BEM 0
Sir Michael Snyder, Deputy 2
James Richard Tumbridge 1
Fraud and Cyber Crime Reporting and Analysis Service Procurement Committee, 3 meetings
Member Attendances
James Michael Douglas Thomson CBE, Deputy 1
Henry Nicholas Almroth Colthurst, Deputy 0
Christopher Michael Hayward, Deputy 0
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy 2
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman) 1
Keith David Forbes Bottomley, Deputy 0
Rehana Banu Ameer, Deputy 0
Tijs Broeke 0
Shravan Jashvantrai Joshi, Deputy MBE 0
Dawn Linsey Wright, Deputy 3
Eamonn James Mullally 3
Projects and Procurement Sub-Committee, 4 meetings
Member Attendances
Philip Woodhouse 2
Randall Keith Anderson, Deputy 3
Timothy Russell Hailes (Alderman) 3
Rehana Banu Ameer, Deputy 1
Mary Durcan JP 3
Elizabeth Anne King, BEM JP (Alderwoman) 1
Eamonn James Mullally 3