Register of interests

Paul Singh

Declarations of Interest - Section 29 (1) of the Localism Act 2011

Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
EEDN Ltd, C/O Goldwyns London Llp, No.1 Royal Exchange, London, United Kingdom, EC3V 3DG - Founding Director The Uber Salon Ltd, Town Wall House, Balkerne Hill, Colchester, Essex, CO3 3AD - Owner
Urbanityx Ltd., Crispins, Manor Farm Lane, Michelmersh, Romsey, SO51 0NT Beauty at the Uber Ltd, Town Wall House, Balkerne Hill, Colchester, Esex, C03 3AD - Director
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
None. None.
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
None. None.
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
- None.
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
None. None.
Corporate Tenancies
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
- None.
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
None. None.
Gifts of Hospitality
Hospitality received and name of Donor Date received
Two tickets to and from the London Symphony Orchestra concert at the Barbican on Sunday 29th May 2022. 29th May 2022
VIP Ticket and Hospitality: Chicago Cubs v St Louis Cardinals, Major League Baseball 25 June 2023
Non-pecuniary interests
Member Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
- None.
The Walbrook Club - Member None.
Cripplegate Ward Club - Member None.
City Livery Club - Member None.
Caribbean Lodge - Member None.
The Worshipful Company of Constructors - Member and Officer None.
Advisory Committee member of the City of London Chamber of Commerce None.
Advisory Board Member of BPIC Network None.
Board Trustee of Heart of the City None.
Board Trustee of The Voluntary Hospital of St Bartholomew -
Founding Member of the UK-Italy Young Leaders Programme Advisory Board -