Register of interests

Andrien Gereith Dominic Meyers, Deputy

This register of interests was published on Monday, 9th December, 2024, 11.19 am.

Declarations of Interest - Section 29 (1) of the Localism Act 2011

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
London CIV BDBF law firm
2. Sponsorship
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
3. Contracts
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
4. Land
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
5. Licences
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
6. Corporate Tenancies
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
7. Securities
Member: Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
8. Gifts of Hospitality
Hospitality received and name of Donor Date received
Bottles of wine from BNY Mellon and DG Publishing 03/02/21 and 29/01/21
Gift: Wine and nibbles (Axa Investment) 4 March 2021
Theatre ticket (Loomis Sales) 1 February 2023
Theatre ticket (Loomis Sales) 1 February 2023
9. Non-pecuniary interests
Member Spouse/Civil Partner/Living as such:
Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA)
Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM)
Member, Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI)
Brother of the Cantenians
Member, Aldgate Ward Club
Liveryman at the Goldsmiths (Strategy and Marketing Committee)
Trustee at Afro Caribbean Engagement (ACE)
Co-Founder of Catalyst Education Program (CEP)
Founder of Anglos United Community Club
Freeman at the Guild of Investment Managers