Agenda item

Any Other Business


The Strategic Education and Skills Director advised that the City of London Corporation was preparing for phased reopening of schools on 1 June 2020, which was likely to begin with Reception and Years 1 and 6.  Risk assessments were being undertaken by the Senior Leadership Team in each school and would be considered by relevant Governors and Trustees to identify safety and operational issues.  It was noted that matters remained fluid and subject to change.  There were particular concerns around the disproportionate effect that the COVID-19 shutdown had on disadvantaged pupils.  The Chairman requested that an update on plans to re-open schools be sent to Board Members in early June 2020.  A Member led the Board in thanking the Education Skills Unit and the City of London Academies Trust Central Team for their excellent work supporting schools and Governors during this difficult time.


The Virtual London Careers Festival would be held between 29 June to 3 July and would now be a nationwide event.  Rachel Bower had recently joined the Careers Working Group to contribute towards the development of the Festival. Board Members were requested to provide details of any contacts they might have relating to skills and careers to Fatema Chowdhury, Skills Project Officer.  The City’s new online learning initiative, Green Spaces, Learning Places had recently been launched and offered a range of virtual learning resources for children and young people.


The Chairman advised Members that it was his intention to stand down as Chairman as soon as governance arrangements allowed and ideally before the July meeting. The Deputy Chairman also announced her plans to stand down as a Trustee of the Board of Trustees of the City of London Academies Trust with a view to nominating Caroline Haines to take up the vacant Trustee role allotted to the Deputy Chairman of the Education Board or nominee.