Agenda item

Report of the Headmistress

Report of the Headmistress.


PLEASE NOTE: The report of the Headmistress requests the Board of Governors to approve a range of new and updated Policies (listed within the report as Annexes D to II). These Policies are circulated to Governors under separate cover.


The Board considered the public report of the Headmistress detailing matters including forthcoming events, health and safety, destinations of 2014 leavers and policies for the Board’s approval.


Policies for the Board’s approval


The Headmistress noted that all of the School’s policies had been updated for the Board’s approval prior to the upcoming inspection and in future these would be updated on a rolling three-year basis, rather than all policies being presented at the same time.


Governors agreed a number of amendments to the policies presented for approval, namely:


-       The Policy on Pupils’ use of IT, Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices should be updated to place the summary of the policy at the beginning of the introduction;

-       The Anti-Bullying Policy to be updated to include hair pulling, eyelash pulling and similar.


In response to questions from Governors, the Headteacher reported that the number of students with of allergies and other ongoing medical conditions was about typical for a school of this type and size.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:

a)    notes the report; and

b)    approves the Policies presented to the Board, subject to the amendments to the Policy on Pupils’ Use of IT, Mobile Phones and other Electronic Devices and the Anti-Bullying Policy as set out above.

Supporting documents: