Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Members are asked to note the Sub Committee’s Outstanding Actions List.


Tenancy Visits

The Sub-Committee was informed the reference to meeting in the tracker was from the meeting 23 March 2020.


Housing Risk Register

The Sub-Committee was informed that this would be removed from the action tracker.


New Portsoken Community Centre – Governance options

The Sub-Committee was advised that this was an item to the Grand Committee but was deferred. A report on this will be presented to the Sub-Committee at a later date.


Housing Revenue

The Sub-Committee was informed that this would be removed from the action tracker.


Fire safety

The Sub-Committee was updated that that as part of the overall fire safety report to the Sub-Committee, the fire safety update will also be included in that report.


Visit the north and south estates

The Sub-Committee was informed that due to COVID-19, no visits are viable; this will be left until the new Committee is appointed in May 2021.


Great Arthur House – Recladding Works

The Sub-Committee was informed that all the necessary submissions relating to the appeal had now been made. The appeal will not be heard until January 2021 at the earliest and as such, this will be left on the action tracker.


Housing Policies Renewal Timetable

The Sub-Committee was advised that the critical policies will be reviewed

first and as such, some of the policies will be presented to the Sub-Committee in 2021. A revised timetable will be presented to the Sub-Committee.


Draft Parades Policy

The Sub-Committee was informed that the work to develop a Draft Parades Policy could not be undertaken due to COVID-19, and Members agreed to park the policy for the interim.


In response to a question from a Member, it was confirmed that there is no current Parades Policy.  


Tenancy Renewal Policy

The Sub-Committee was advised that this was agreed in March 2020 and, all the approvals which were required are now in place.


Middlesex Street Garage

The Sub-Committee was advised by the Director that the leak to the podium has now been dealt with.  

Presentation relating to the Repairs and Maintenance Service

Officers agreed to facilitate a virtual presentation at the meeting of 30 November 2020, which would be followed by a more detailed presentation at a later date when Committee meetings return to normal.


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