Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chair considers urgent


There were two items of urgent business:


i) On behalf of Members and officers, the Chair of the Police Authority Board and the Assistant Commissioner, noting that this was the Chair’s final meeting, expressed their sincere and fulsome thanks to Alderman Gowman for her rigorous commitment to ensuring the Committee’s effectiveness during her tenure. The excellent quality of the work and scrutiny of the Committee helped to underpin and legitimise the public’s support and trust for the Police in the City, and the Chair would be much missed.  


ii) Noting that this would be her final meeting, the Chair thanked D/Supt Angie Rogers for her vital contributions to the work of the Committee. D/Supt Rogers had played a significant role in helping to improve the effectiveness of the Committee in recent years, and, on behalf of the Committee, the Chair wished her the very best for the future.