Agenda item

Abdominal Aortic Aneurism Screening Programme

Briefing note of NHS North East London and the City.


The Board received a report on the progress of the NEL Abdominal Aortic Aneurism (AAA) Screening Programme as part of the phase 4 implementation in 2012/13.


The Board was informed that approximately 55-60 men in the City would be turning 65 in 2013 and would be part of the North East London AAA screening programme being rolled out in early January 2013, based on GP registrations. It was noted that any male over this age could request a scan if they wished to. Uptake in the City was expected to be high.


Members were informed that there would be national coverage of the programme with information being filtered down through GPs. It was not yet decided where the ultrasound screening would take place in the City.


The risk to women was substantially lower but they could be referred for assessment via their GP if they showed relevant symptoms.



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