Agenda item

City Arts Initiative: Recommendations to the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee

Report of the Director of Major Projects.


Members considered a report of the Director of Major Projects relative to the City Arts Initiative (CAI) Recommendations to the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee.


RESOLVED, that Members ratify the CAI’s recommendations in relation to the following proposals:


1.    HSBC Gates – approval for the artwork to be decommissioned and placed in storage for the immediate future, noting that the CAI will review its location in December 2021;

2.    City of London Blue Plaque Scheme – approval for the CAI to provide strategic oversight of the Blue Plaque Scheme, providing a peer review system for future applications;

3.    Tackling Racism Taskforce: Historic Landmarks Consultation – approval for the CAI to form a working group to help deliver the recommendations of the Tacking Racism Taskforce, noting that the Taskforce’s recommendations were due to be ratified by the Policy & Resources Committee in January 2021.

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