Agenda item

Delivering Culture Through Planning - Draft Supplementary Planning Guidance

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.



Members received a report of the Director of the Built Environment relative to the Cultural Plan draft Supplementary Planning Guidance. The guidance related to the City of London Local Plan 2036 and a new policy to incorporate culture within the City’s local plan. The supplementary guidance would accompany the plan and serve a statutory function as part of the consideration for new planning applications to outline what type of cultural elements should be developed in the City. The guidance would demonstrate to developers that culture is a core aspect of the City and should be incorporated into development to attract visitors and workers to the Square Mile, as well as occupiers to their buildings.


With respect to the legal basis for a cultural requirement for developers, this would be further examined during the public consultation phase. The aim would be to demonstrate that incorporating culture into development plans would be beneficial to developers.


The draft guidance would be brought back to the Committee prior to its presentation to the Planning & Transportation Committee and public consultation.


RESOLVED, that – the report be received and its contents noted.

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