Agenda item

City Cluster Area - Activation and Engagement Programme

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the City Cluster Activation and Engagement Programme.


A Member expressed their disappointment that only one option had been presented and asked that future reporting at least provided some information as to why alternative options had been discounted. The Member also sought assurances regarding funding for the project, much of which was currently unsecured. Members also stressed the importance of close contact with local stakeholders and suggested developing a map promoting the secret gardens and pocket parks in the area and the wider City which were relatively unknown.


The Director of the Built Environment then gave the Sub Committee some further detail on the programme approach and of engagement with stakeholders so far. Whilst the project funding was complicated, there were section 106 funds which could be used for the project if needed as contingency. In response to a question from a Member about Jubilee Place, the Director of the Built Environment advised that officers had discussed the wall and railings with the Open Spaces Department. Whilst there had been issues with anti-social behaviour, a barrier with a more open design and more entry points had been proposed.


RESOLVED – That the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee:


  1. Note an increase in the estimated programme budget specifically to address City recovery “Vibrant Offer” recommendations. The programme cost range is estimated to be £200-£300k, for the delivery of the programme on an annual basis, initially over 3 years;


  1. Note that the overall programme budget will be substantially funded by external sponsorship. The exact budget is subject to the level of external funding which is to be confirmed at the next Gateway;


  1. Agree that planning for large and medium scale activation programmes (Option 1 and 2) be continued, with detailed options to be presented at Gateway 4-5; and


  1. That a budget of £68,000 (£20k staff costs and £48k fees) from the Section 106 Agreement from the Pinnacle is approved to reach the next Gateway and to deliver events to support City’s Recovery in summer 2021.

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