Agenda item

Gateway 4c - York Way Estate Provision of Social Housing

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s services in respect of the provision of Social Housing on the York Way Estate.   A Member commended an excellent, imaginative project which would significantly increase housing stock. 


In response to questions, the following points were noted:

  • The  cost increase had been due to the London Borough of Islington’s  reluctance to allow a building beyond 7 stories and, therefore,  4 buildings instead of 3 had been required to provide the same number of units. 
  • York Way was the last scheme which could be accommodated within the HRA funding envelope and alternative methods of funding would need to be considered for future schemes.  The Chamberlain advised that new units are funded from separate Section 106 Funding, not the HRA, but 106 Funding would be exhausted once this project is complete.
  • Whilst  the HRA would be assisted in the long term by generating new income from the project, it was under pressure due to the situation facing commercial tenants during the pandemic. 
  • Officers meet regularly with the Housing Programme Board, which includes representatives from the Planning Department, in order to discuss schemes which are likely to release section 106 funding.  Planning colleagues strive to maximise income from developments, but levels would not be as high as in previous years. 




  1. The designs developed up to RIBA Stage 3 be approved.


  1. The additional budget of £508,177 be approved, to further develop the scheme and reach Gateway 5.


  1. The scheme be approved for progression to the construction stage, subject to the approval of the planning application, for the delivery of 91 new homes.


  1. The total estimated cost of the project of £28,317,157 be noted, excluding risk and inflation, with the total estimated cost including risk and inflation being £32,393.


  1. The Risk Register at Appendix 2 to the report  be noted and the previous approval of £174,500 be retained.


It be noted that approval will be sought from the Court of Common Council to approve delegation of all future project report approvals to the Community and Children’s Services and Project Sub Committee.

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