Agenda item

Guidance for Members on other interests

The Committee is asked to consider the creation of guidance for Members in respect of other interests (i.e. other than disclosable pecuniary interests). 


Consideration was given to the guidance to be provided to Members in respect of other interests. Some initial bullet points were laid around the table. Discussions ensued and it was noted that declaring an interest was a matter of judgement and the decision to declare an interest would remain the responsibility of an individual Member. It was agreed that the Committee should avoid being too prescriptive in the guidance about specific interests that should always be declared, for example a specific value for gifts and hospitality.


It was noted that membership of outside bodies could give rise to a conflict of interest for Members in some circumstances, but could also provide particular knowledge or insight into the matter being debated.  It was agreed that the need for transparency was an overriding principle.  The Committee requested that the Comptroller and City Solicitor submit to the next meeting some suggested examples of interests that Members would be expected to declare, and those that were not necessary to declare, for consideration.