Agenda item

Risk Register for the Financial Investment Board

Report of the Chamberlain


The Board considered a report of the Chamberlain reviewing the Financial Investment Board’s risk register. The Board noted that there had been no substantive changes to the risks. The Chamberlain then outlined updates to the narrative risk update on associated actions where necessary, and advised that the inclusion of risks related to Bridge House Estates would need to be reconsidered once the Bridge House Estates Board had finalised the governance arrangements in respect of the Charity’s financial investments.


A Member suggested that long-term risks could feature the next key date relevant to them rather than a due date, allowing a longer-term view which accepted rather than managed the risk. The Chamberlain advised that ever-present risks were kept on the register to ensure continuing mindful of the need to manage and mitigate against them, adding that the format could be reviewed and amended as necessary.


RESOLVED – That the Financial Investment Board:


a)    Review the existing risks and actions present on the Financial Investment Board’s Risk Register, and confirm that appropriate control measures are in place; and


b)    Confirm that there are no further risks relating to the services overseen by the Financial Investment Board.

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