Agenda item


To approve the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 22 October 2012.


The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 22 October 2012 were approved.


Matters Arising: -


Cultural Strategy Group

The Committee were informed that the next meeting of the Cultural Strategy Group would be held on 10 January 2013.


Artefacts from Prince Henry’s Room

The Director advised the Committee that a report outlining options for the future of the artefacts previously housed in Prince Henry’s Room would be brought to the next meeting.


Artizan Street Library

The Director reported that final preparations were being made for the Library to open on Monday 10 December. He further reported that whilst there were some problems with broadband as a result of the new library not yet having a postcode, staff were working with the service provider to resolve this as quickly as possible. Members were reminded that the official opening would be held on 24 January 2013.


Billingsgate Bathhouse Visit

The Director reported that the recent visit to the bathhouse had been useful. He added that a conversation was currently taking place with the Museum of London, looking to improve promotion of Roman heritage sites within the City.


Sanford Award

The Director reported that the City had received the Sanford Award for Heritage Education as recognition for its work in this area.











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