Agenda item

Moorgate Crossrail Station Links

Report of the Director of the Built Environment


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment on the Moorgate Crossrail Station Links.


With regard to the report, the Sub Committee was advised that there was an outstanding claim against Crossrail in respect of settlement due to tunnelling under the highway, and that efforts were being made to progress the scheme alongside that claim to avoid the project being held up any more than necessary.  A Member emphasised the importance of consistency in respect of the timing of temporary planned street closures across the City.  The Chairman commented that he would further discuss the use of central medians at police check points in the City with the City of London Police Commissioner to ensure they were genuinely needed. 


RESOLVED – That the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee:


1.         Approve further scheme development at the Moorgate/Ropemaker Street junction to progress design work and traffic modelling;

2.         Approve the pausing of further substantive scheme development at the Moorgate/London Wall junction and on the Moorgate corridor until there was more certainty on the progress of interdependent projects and post-COVID traffic flows; and

3.         Approve the project budgets and funding allocations detailed in Appendix 2.



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