Agenda item

Proposals for possible Sesquicentennial celebrations of the City of London Corporation's protection of Epping Forest

Report of the Executive Director for Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment on the proposals for possible Sesquicentennial celebrations of the City of London Corporation’s protection of Epping Forest.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment on the proposals for possible sesquicentennial celebrations of the City of London Corporation’s protection of Epping Forest.


Following a concern expressed by a Member it was confirmed that the celebratory events to be organised would be used as an opportunity to secure income for the Epping Forest Charity rather than spending valuable funds on a simply commemorative events. Further to this it was agreed that the proposed working group needed to be properly constituted to allow committee members to provide proper oversight to the proposed events.



  1. The commemoration of sesquicentennial events centred on 2028, being 150 years from 1878, reflecting the focus of the previous Centenary celebration, though other important milestones could be celebrated as part of an associated narrative be approved; and
  2. That an Epping Forest Working Group be inaugurated to plan the sesquicentennial celebrations.



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