Agenda item

Sundry Trusts Annual Report and Financial Statements 2020-21

Report of the Chamberlain.


Members received a report of the Chamberlain relative to the Annual Reports and Financial Statements for the Sundry Trust Funds for the year ended 31 March 2021.


The Committee agreed to send a formal note of thanks to the Audit Review Panel, as this was the final year it would be operating.


RESOLVED, that - Members:

  1. Note that the external auditor BDO LLP intends to give an unqualified audit opinion on each set of charity financial statements;
  2. Consider the contents of the audit management report issued by BDO LLP; and
  3. Recommend approval of the financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2021 to the Finance Committee for those charities where the Corporation is Trustee; to the Aldermen for the Emmanuel Hospital charity where the Corporation acting by the Court of Aldermen is the named corporate trustee; and to the trustees of the Sir William Coxen Trust Fund; the Samuel Wilson Loan Charity and the Vickers Dunfee Memorial Benevolent Fund (see appendix 1 for charity registration numbers).


Deputy Chairman Hilary Daniels (External) took the Chair from this item onwards.


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