Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 6th November 2012.


The minutes of the meeting held on 6th November 2012 were agreed as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Committee views and suggestions

Whilst acknowledging that the Committee did not have decision making powers, it was agreed that, as a consultative committee, Members' views and suggestions should be reflected accordingly in the minutes.


National Planning Framework and Neighbourhood Planning - Implications for the City of London's Open Spaces

Following the discussion at the last meeting about resource implications associated with attendance at Neighbourhood Forum meetings, Simon Lee explained that Highgate Neighbourhood Forum had been invited to join him on a walk of the Highgate chain of ponds in order to highlight current issues.


Whilst acknowledging that attendance at all constituted Neighbourhood Forum meetings was not viable, it was agreed that maintaining a dialogue, wherever possible, was helpful.


Review of Annual Work Programme

Simon Lee explained that some responses had been received in respect of the annual work programme.


Minute circulation

Some Members asked whether the draft minutes could be circulated as soon as they became available, as opposed to being circulated in advance of the next meeting.  The Committee was advised that all draft minutes, once cleared by the Chairman, were accessible via the City of London's webpages.  However, the Superintendent undertook to circulate the draft minutes via email as soon as they were available.  A check on Members' details would be undertaken prior to circulation of the minutes of this meeting.  


Supporting documents: