Agenda item

Turning Point - Substance Misuse Services to City Rough Sleepers

The Director of Community and Children’s Services to be heard.


The Sub-Committee heard a presentation of the Partnerships Manager and Regional Head of Operations of Turning Point and the following points were made:


·         Turning Point was a leading social enterprise working in partnership with London Friend and Mind CHWF to deliver the City and Hackney Recovery Service which supported residents struggling with alcohol and substance misuse issues.  This integrated, multi-agency service took a holistic approach to supporting individuals with alcohol and substance misuse issues, with a range of specialisms including a dedicated alcohol pathway, community navigation and Mind recovery workers.  Its rough sleeper offer was delivered in partnership with the City of London Corporation’s existing homelessness and rough sleeping services and worked to support homelessness individuals in accessing alcohol and substance misuse services.  Whilst the City of London was not part of Project ADDER, an innovative and targeted project to reduce drug-related offending, drug deaths and prevalence of drug use, it benefitted from work undertaken in neighbouring local authorities and also received direct funding via the Home Office’s ‘universal’ funding stream.


·         In response to a question from a Committee Member, the Partnership Manager advised that whilst the City and Hackney Recovery Service occasionally closed cases due to individuals being disengaged or not ready to receive support, its service offer was always made available to those in need.  The Chairman was pleased to note the role of alcohol and substance misuse services in supporting homeless and rough sleeping individuals in moving successfully away from the streets and underlined the need for more on-street support and scripting services.


The Chairman thanked the Partnerships Manager and Regional Head of Operations of Turning Point for their excellent presentation.  The presentation would be circulated to Members following the meeting.


RESOLVED, that the presentation be noted.