Agenda item

Relocation of Dorothy Annan Ceramic Panels to Barbican Highwalk and Transfer of Ownership to City of London Corporation

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor seeking approval to the relocation of the Dorothy Annan Ceramic Panel to Barbican Highwalk and transfer of ownership to the City of London Corporation.


In response to a Member’s question the City Surveyor responded that planning and listed buildings consent notifications had been posted at the suggested site. He added that whilst other sites had been considered, the proposed new location was felt to be the most appropriate.


It was noted that the proposed location was a part of the Guildhall School of Music and Drama who had expressed their satisfaction with the plans.




i)         that the relocation of the panels to the Barbican Highwalk be approved and on completion of the works the ownership be transferred to the City Corporation along with a dowry of £100,000 to be set aside in a ring fenced fund for future maintenance and repair; and

ii)         it be noted that the Streets and Walkways Committee Sub Committee approved the sum of £100,000 as being appropriate for the future maintenance and repair of the ceramic panels and associated light fittings and add it to the register of art works maintained by the City Corporation.






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