Agenda item

NHS outcomes framework and CCG priorities

Report by Paul Haigh, Clinical Commissioning Group.


The Board considered a report of the City of Hackney Pathfinder Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).


Paul Haigh introduced the report and informed Members about a new initiative from the Department of Health to improve quality in three local issues of priority to earn a grant of up to £2 million. Officers informed the Board that it was necessary for the CCG to identify three local area indicators to improve on. The current areas of poor performance were outlined by the officer and discussions ensued regarding which areas Members considered a priority. The Board agreed that whilst all areas of poor performance must be improved the following three areas had been highlighted by the CCG Clinical Executive and took priority:

-        Proportion of people feeling supported to manage their condition

-        Patient reported outcomes for elective knee replacements

-        Improving dementia diagnosis rate


Officers informed the Board that work would now commence on setting new targets and agreeing action plans for to improve these areas of local priority.


RESOLVED: the Board agreed the local priorities as recommended by the CCG Clinical Executive.

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