Agenda item

Mansion House Station Environs - Little Trinity Lane public realm enhancements G3

To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment.


RESOLVED, That the Sub-Committee


1. Approve the amended scope of the project to include climate resilience measures and note that an updated design and cost estimate will be set out at Gateway 4/5;

2. Approve the revised funding strategy as set out in this report to include funding from the Cool Streets and Greening Programme in addition to previously allocated S106 funds;

3. Approve the additional budget of £27,000 to reach the next gateway, funded from the S106 for 39-53 Cannon Street – LCE (as previously agreed as part of the Project Prioritisation report);

4. Note that the wider walking and accessibility improvements are to be brought forward when funding becomes available, with additional funding sources to be investigated prior to Gateway 4/5 to deliver these measures; and

5. Note the revised programme set out in Section 5 of this report.



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