Agenda item

City of London Police Update

The Commissioner of the City of London Police to be heard.


Members received an update of the Commissioner of the City of London Police (CLP) and the following points were made:

a)    Operation Luscombe has been updated so that police officers now issue notices the day before the hub so that there is a shorter time frame between notices being issued and attendance at the hub.

b)    CLP have continued to hold meetings British Transport Police (BTP). CLP need to provide further training and confirm which platform they are going to use.

c)     CLP have explored expanding Operation Luscombe and sharing it with partners. Members were informed that Southwark Borough have agreed that they would like to run Operation Luscombe. They are yet to determine a location for their hub.

In response to a query from a Member, the Sub Committee was informed that 17 tickets of all colours had been issued during September representing a slight rise from August.


RESOLVED - That the update be noted.