Agenda item

Superintendent's Update

The Superintendent of the City Commons to be heard.



The Superintendent of City Commons provided a brief verbal update to the Committee, with reference being made to the following:


Staff Changes

The Project Officer and Assistant Project Officer had both left the Division to take up new appointments.  The Superintendents PA retired in July.  The Superintendent was proposing to restructure the Division and aimed to bring a report to the November Committee.



Additional volunteer tasks over the summer had meant an increase in 7% on the same point last year.  3582 hours were completed by volunteers since April 2013.


Invisible Fence

Members of the Ashtead and Coulsdon Commons Consultative Committees visited Burnham Beeches on the 5th September to view the invisible fence.  This was an extremely helpful visit and our thanks go to the Superintendent and the Head Ranger for providing such a thorough explanation of the system.



Since reporting to the July committee there had been two further incursions on Coulsdon Commons.  Byelaw enforcement was implemented immediately to protect the Common.  The Superintendent was launching a project to improve the security around Coulsdon Common.



The Kenley Fun Day was a great success with over 3000 people attending the event. A series of cross county runs, cycling and walking events have been licensed for September across the Commons. The villa project on Ashtead Common was currently underway and this forms the last year of site excavations.  Six guided walks were taking place over the weekend of the 14th & 15th September.