Agenda item

Draft Management Plans and Public Consultation results - Farthing Downs, Riddlesdown, Kenley Common & Coulsdon Common

Report of the Executive Director, Environment Department.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director Environment presenting draft management plans for Farthing Downs, Riddlesdown, Kenley Common and Coulsdon Common and seeking approval of them.


A Member commented on the huge number of volunteers and asked that congratulations be passed to the team involved, with it being really important for the local communities be involved in these areas and to understand the value they offer.  The Chairman concurred with the comment, adding how there was a very well informed group of stakeholders that were all trying to pull in the right direction and they were adding real value to the plans.


The Chairman asked that the Committee’s thanks be passed on to all those involved.


RESOLVED: That Members: -


·         Approve the 4 final, draft management plans (Appendices 1 - 4) and associated consultation reports (Appendices 5 - 8) so that they can be submitted to Natural England for ratification and implementation as of 1st April 2022 (NB. to be backdated due to cancellation of March 2022 meeting of this committee and technical challenges in May)


Supporting documents: