Agenda item



Hugh Morris asked a question of the Chairman of the Planning & Transportation Committee regarding car parking restrictions within the City of London.


In reply the Chairman outlined the aims of the City’s parking control policy which were, primarily, to manage the kerbside space effectively, efficiently and equitably. He added that this current approach, set out within the Parking and Enforcement Plan, was approved by the Court in 2007 following extensive consultation and debate.


The Chairman outlined that the current street parking regime was a simple one which prevented parking on double yellow lines and allowed vehicles within the City to park in designated bays during the day, wait legally on single yellow lines over night (Monday to Friday from 7pm to 7am) and wait legally on single yellow lines from 11am on Saturday to 7am on Monday. He concluded by underlining that this simplified approach was easy to understand and had reduced signs and street clutter.


In response to a supplementary question from Hugh Morris, the Chairman thanked the Member for keeping him appraised of his discussions with Officers. He stated that, whilst he remained supportive of the City’s current simple and clear approach to parking restrictions, this could be re-examined in certain locations. The Chairman was pleased to report that Officers had now undertaken to look into the parking restrictions within the vicinity of Mitre Street, and that the Planning & Transportation Committee would receive a report on this matter in the near future.