Agenda item

Golden Lane Estate – Great Arthur House - Curtain Walling, Windows, Other Works Gateway 4c Detailed Design

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor relating to the Golden Lane Estate – Great Arthur House: Curtain Walling/Windows/Other works Gateway 4c Detailed Design.


The Town Clerk advised that Projects Sub and Finance Committees had also approved the report.


In answer to a question relating to concrete repairs, the City Surveyor advised that a figure of £210,000 has been allowed for within the budget estimate for these works.  Although concrete elements of the block were treated as part of a previous refurbishment project, it is important that the complete structure be reviewed in order to ensure the long term maintenance of the building. As part of the Design Team’s survey works some areas of concrete spalling were noted and it is therefore proposed that further analysis be carried out and repair works undertaken as necessary at the same time as access is provided for other elevation works.


In answer to a question relating to roof level interface repairs, the City Surveyor stated that £73,000 has been estimated for works that will be required at roof level where the new cladding will abut the parapet and other roof elements. This figure has been included to cover the costs associated with necessary adjustment to ensure a sound and watertight connection between the new cladding and the existing structure.


The Sub Committee agreed that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman would receive regular reports from the Community & Children’s Services Programme Board about the progress of the project.


RESOLVED:  That, subject to the amendment to Recommendation 5 where the tolerance figure should read +5% and not +25%, Members –

·                approve the proposed design of the replacement for the curtain walling and associated works as set out in the report;

·                approve a revised budget of £6,187,325, an increase of £1,318,325 over the previous estimated project cost (£3,815,904 from HRA and £2,371,421 from long leaseholder contributions);

·                approve the continuation beyond RIBA Stage D to Stage L of the appointment of John Robertson Architects Ltd and Sweett (UK) Limited;

·                approve the application to the Government Office for London (GOL) to obtain a further extension to obtaining the Government’s Decent Homes Standard until July 2015; and

·                approve the tolerance figure of +5% of the value of the works totalling £276,250 to address the potential risk of unforeseen construction elements.

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