Agenda item

Update - implementation of the new Standards Regime

The Comptroller & City Solicitor to be heard relative to the issues that have arisen following the introduction of the new standards regime, including matters pertaining to the Code of Conduct, Members' Declarations and gifts and hospitality.


The recently circulated guidance to Members about securities is attached for information.


The Comptroller & City Solicitor was heard relative to the issues that had arisen following the introduction of the new Standards regime, including matters pertaining to the Code of Conduct, members’ Declarations and gifts and hospitality.


The Committee was advised that following the introduction of the new Standards regime, the main bulk of Member queries had been in respect of the declaration of disclosable pecuniary interests, specifically, securities.  In response to such queries, a guidance note for Members on the declaration of interests in securities, as set out at page 15, had been circulated to all Members.


The only other queries that had been received concerned the declaration of gifts and hospitality.  The issue had raised concern amongst some Members as they were mindful of the regularity that gifts and hospitality could be offered and were therefore concerned that, whilst they were not disclosable pecuniary interests, gifts and hospitality should continue to be registered.  Consequently, the Committee was asked to consider the introduction of a local arrangement concerning registration. 


The Committee discussed the introduction of a local arrangement whereby Members of the Court would be encouraged to register one-off gifts and hospitality, possibly of a higher value than previously required to reflect the nature and regularity of the gifts and hospitality that some Members were offered.  It was felt that a local arrangement should be introduced, although a number of differing views were expressed as to whether such an arrangement should be mandatory or voluntary.  The Committee agreed that as the focus should be on maximising transparency, a local arrangement for registration of gifts and hospitality should be introduced on a voluntary basis and guidance provided for Members about what was likely to constitute a breach of the Nolan principles in respect of receiving and not declaring gifts and hospitality.  Consequently, the Committee agreed that, following the Ward elections, guidance be circulated to all Members about the introduction of new arrangements for registering one-off gifts and hospitality received to the value of £250 and above, and cumulative gifts and hospitality to the value of £500 and above, from a single source over a 12 month period. Whilst this would not be compulsory the Committee agreed that, as of 1st April 2013, all Members would be encouraged to register gifts and hospitality as set out above.



(i)         new voluntary arrangements for registering one-off gifts and hospitality received to the value of £250 and above, and cumulative gifts and hospitality to the value of £500 and above, from a single source over a 12 month period be introduced as of 1st April 2013; 

(ii)        following the Ward elections, guidance be circulated to all Members about the introduction of the new voluntary arrangements with effect from 1st April 2013;

(iii)       delegated authority be granted to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Deputy Chairman and Mr Malins to approve the wording of a guidance note to Members’ in respect of registering gifts and hospitality;

(iv)       that guidance to Members in respect of registering gifts and hospitality be circulated to all Members after the Ward elections; and

(v)        the register of interests forms for all Members be updated to facilitate the recording of gifts and hospitality declarations and that the registers be published via the corporate webpages. 

Supporting documents: