Agenda item

Actions Tracker

Members are asked to note the outstanding actions list.


The Committee received the actions tracker, formerly known to as: ‘You Said: We Did’ and noted the following:


Highwalks – this had been raised at the RCC meeting on 30.11.22, where Members expressed frustration at the number of committees it had been considered by.   The Assistant Director explained that, although it had been the subject of a Resolution from a Ward Mote before the pandemic, and agreed by several committees, additional funding had not been agreed.  However, in conjunction with the Chamberlain, an initial budget of £50k has been identified from the landlords budget for reactive repairs, and this could be used to start the work.  Members noted that a survey would follow, to gauge whether this amount would be adequate and for what it could be used and no charge would fall to residents.  Members also noted the wider podium works, which fall outside of this funding, and thanked the Assistant Director for seeking a practical solution. 


Brandon Mews – the Assistant Director had met with the House Group, on 1st November 2023, and agreed to continue with research, assisted by the residents, on the background to the installation of the GRP roof to the block.  Members noted that the next step would be an options appraisal, which would be shared with the House Group within the next 4 to 6 months.    


Arup Webinar – some 20 residents had dialled into this last week and shared some interesting views.   The outcome from the webinar would be analysed and the next RCC/BRC meetings, in March 2023, would receive a further fire safety update, incorporating practical suggestions. 


Energy Doctor – this had been included in the resident bulletin last week and would feature again this week.


Energy Prices – the subject of a report later on the agenda.   The Head of Energy and Sustainability advised that the meter operators had resolved 70% of the outstanding queries and were undertaking a fundamental review into the discrepancies between buildings.   Members expressed concern that this situation had been allowed to develop.


Stock Condition Survey – this was being scoped by the Head of Major Projects and had been presented to the RCC, BRC and Asset Maintenance Working Party (AMWP) on 16th November 2022.  The draft programme was being fine-tuned, an internal review would follow, and this would be subject to consultation.   A team for delivery would be sourced, applying lessons learnt from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) projects.


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