Agenda item

100 Minories Phase Two: Public Realm enhancements

To consider the report of the Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Environment.


A Member asked for further clarification on the permeable paving (that comprises resin/rubber material) to be used that allows some rainwater to pass directly into the ground, thereby reducing storm water flow into sewers. The meeting heard that the paving would be bound gravel that was currently being tested at Cheapside and Bevis Marks, noting that the associated additional maintenance costs had been factored in. A Member commented on the potential for that material to be hazardous in wet and cold weather.  


RESOLVED, That the Committee


1.     Approve the additional budget of £49,500 to reach Gateway 5 – Authority to Start Work, funded from S106 receipts as detailed in Appendix 2;

2.     Approve the revised total estimated cost range (excluding risk) of £900,00 - £1,150,000, with the additional costs to be funded from S106 receipts, as detailed in Appendix 2;

3.     Delegate approval of Costed Risk Provision to Chief Officer if one is sought at Gateway 5; and

4.     Approve the statutory consultation on proposed traffic management changes as set out in Appendix 6.


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