Agenda item

Repairs and Maintenance Update

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.



The committee received a report of the Interim Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services, which provided an update on repairs and maintenance.


The committee discussed the risk of duplicating works and the importance of prospective works being thoroughly surveyed in advance of them.


The committee raised concerns on the process of the flawed survey which had not assessed the topmost exposed windows, as was intended, resulting in further delays to the tender process and letting of a contract to undertake the work on a programmed basis. Officers confirmed that the earliest date that a programmed approach could now begin would be September 2023. Officers apologised for the delay and said that lessons would be learnt.


It was confirmed that residents would not be charged for both the original flawed survey and the corrective survey. The committee further discussed which party would be responsible for paying for the surveys undertaken, the lack of coordination of repairs works, and the overlapping survey arranged for the estate, about which the committee noted its dissatisfaction.


The committee discussed the burden of standard minimum call out rates charged by contractors and requested that charges be negotiated, and it was suggested that a summary of the completed survey be circulated to the committee.


RESOLVED – that the report be noted.

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