Agenda item

Revenue outturn 2022-23

To receive the report of: The Chamberlain, Deputy Town Clerk, Executive Director of Innovation and Growth, Executive Director Environment, and Executive Director of Children’s & Community Services.


The Committee noted the revenue outturn for 2022/23 (showing an overall unfavourable variance to final budget of £0.614m), noting also that there are no carry forward requests for 2023/24 in relation to the CHL Committee.

Commenting that budget underspends would eventually be coming to an end, a Member sought clarification on that for the future and also on “reduced income”.(as per section 3.1 of the report). The meeting heard that further reviews would take place in the autumn period, including that of the annual allocation and of income levels (relating particularly to Monument).

A Member asked whether a contingency fund was available for the CHL Committee. The meeting heard that contingency funds were held at Finance/P&R level and that each Committee was awarded an annually-approved fund allocation. No decision on those budget estimates has been finalised.   


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