Agenda item

Commissioner's Update

Report of the Commissioner.


The Board received the Commissioner’s public update.


The Board discussed the trial of the City of London Police cycle team which began on the 26th June 2023 will continue for the next 3 months. The Board commented on the positive perception of the cycle teams by City residents and workers as the issue of cyclist and e-scooter users behaviour was a concern for these groups. Further to this a Member highlighted that a Wardmote resolution regarding this issue had been received by the Planning and Transportation Committee but should also be received by Police Authority Board to note the enforcement considerations. A Member observed that it was important to ensure that a coordinated response on this issue. Members further expressed the view that the Force should consider making the cycle team a permanent measure. In response to these views Officers explained that the measures need to be assessed as to whether the continuation of the Cycle Team represents an effective return on resources. In addition, Officers agreed that at coordinated response was required and added that the Safer City Partnership would be addressing this issue. Officers also undertook to produce a report for the Board regarding the Force’s Cyle Team. ACTION


The Board were informed of the associated communications plan regarding the Force’s work to policing the behaviour e-scooters and cycling.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted





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