Agenda item

Adult Social Care Transformation Programme

Report of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services.



The Committee noted the report of the Executive Director of Community & Children’s Services providing information on the wider Adult Social Transformation Programme delivery as a follow-up report the report on the same topic submitted to the last Committee meeting. 


A Member sought clarification on how well the delivery was going and how success would be measured. The meeting heard that the programme sought to introduce systemic changes to improve adult social care by late 2024, and that a self-evaluation would be submitted to the Committee.


A Member sought clarification on the term “strengths-based”. The meeting heard that it described an ethos set out in Government legislation and guidance, including the Care Act 2014, that focusses on a person’s needs and strengths rather than what is wrong. 


On this risk implication set out in section 25 of the report: ‘Financial implications are not understood, with possible missed opportunities to bid for funding and risk to already stretched budgets’, a Member asked for clarification on the likelihood of missing funding opportunities and how that could be addressed. The meeting heard that the transformation programme was expected to mitigate that and other risks.


A Member asked for further information on Member support and roles as part of the programme. The meeting heard that the self-evaluation encompassed a peer challenge exercise that found that the Member link at the City of London Corporation (CoLC) is recognised as being robust, thanks to the relatively high number of elected Members and level of resources. 


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