Agenda item

Climate & Health - Opportunities for Collaboration

Report of the Director of Public Health.


The Board received a report of the Director of Public Health, concerning opportunities for collaboration within climate and health. The Board received a presentation as set out within the agenda papers. The presentation summarised the impacts of climate change on public health; health benefits to climate action; the climate action strategy; and the role of the North East Lindon Integrated Care Strategy (ICS).


It was suggested and agreed that this topic be a regular item at the Health and Wellbeing Board, as climate and health needed to be linked together. It was commented that climate action had not yet become embedded, and there needed to be stronger links and focus on practical, and realistic, actions. It was also said that there needed to be more proactiveness rather than mitigation of impacts of climate change.


The Board heard that there needed to be an understanding between the objectives on climate change and its link to health inequalities, and that the Board should provide a strategic steer for opportunities for collaboration on the two topics. It was therefore agreed that this topic should return to future meetings of the Board. It was also raised that Members met regularly with the Director of Public health. Priorities for future actions and opportunities for collaboration could be considered during those meetings.


The Board also discussed actions taken in Housing and the impacts of housing conditions on health. This was a matter which the Housing department were aware and were considering direct actions.


Finally, the Board heard that the report templates were to be updated to capture the implications on climate and health. Further information would be provided to the Board once available.


RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.



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