Agenda item

Annual Review of the Terms of Reference of the Health and Wellbeing Board

Report of the Town Clerk.


Note: During this item, the Board agreed that, under Standing Order 40, the meeting be extended by ten minutes to conclude its remaining items of business.


The Board received a repot of the Town Clerk, concerning the Annual Review of the Terms of Reference of the Health and Wellbeing Board. The Board noted possible amendments for discussion, which were amending the quorum; and increasing the number of co-opted members or extending the external membership of the Board to East London Foundation Trust (ELFT), St Bartholomew’s Hospital (Barts Health NHS Trust), and Homerton Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust).


The Board agreed to reduce the quorum to three. It was also agreed to extend the membership of Members from the Court of Common Council. It was raised that this would assist with quoracy and provide more continuity from members of the Board.


The Board considered its previous discussions on co-opted members, and discussed whether those organisations identified (ELFT, St Bartholomew’s. And Homerton Healthcare) should be full external members of the Board. It was raised that there would be a benefit of a broader conversation with the membership of the health providers. The Board agreed to amend the membership of the Board to include those organisations, as listed above.


The Board agreed to delegate the revisions to the Terms of Reference to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman. It was also agreed by the Board that the revisions should be made in time for its next meeting in order for the new external members to attend. 



(i)             Approval of the final wording of the revisions to the Terms of Reference, as described above, be delegated to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Health & Wellbeing Board.

(ii)            The revisions to the Terms of Reference be approved subject to any comments for submission to Policy & Resource Committee and/or Court of Common Council.


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