Agenda item

*Hampstead Heath Constabulary Update

Report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Executive Director, Environment, concerning an update on the Hampstead Heath Constabulary and its restructure as part of the new TOM process.


Members discussed various aspects of the Constabulary, including decisions pertaining to team structure, collaboration with Parkguard, and sought clarification on the Constabulary's role in addressing crime on the Heath. The discussion also touched upon the Constabulary’s relationships with both the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police. Notably, concerns raised by local residents were highlighted, particularly regarding similar uniforms and the potential confusion among the public and park visitors about the constabulary's role and authority. Members also voiced concerns about the lack of patrols and enforcement.


The acting Sergeant of the Constabulary provided details about the relationship with the Metropolitan Police including the frequency of meetings with specific officers at the Metropolitan Police, exchange of information and the provision of equipment and training.


Members discussed concerns about similar uniforms and potential reputational risks for the City of London Corporation. It was agreed that a report outlining the role and powers of the Constabulary and its relationships with both police forces be presented to the next Committee meeting. 


RESOLVED – That, Members approved the proposal to revise the Hampstead Heath Constabulary Target Operational Model (TOM) restructure and agreed to revisit the role of the Constabulary at the next meeting.



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