Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent



Chair discussed the target set for the building of social and affordable housing and how this was not expected to be achieved in the estimated time given and suggested for these targets to be reset. The Chair asked for a report to be brought to committee at a later date and asked officers to provide more information on the matter.  Officers confirmed that the original target had been to build 3,700 new homes; 700 of which are to be social housing units developed on existing housing estates and a further 3,000 on land acquired by the City of London Corporation. They expected that by the end of 2025, 370 of the 700 units will have been built and identified potential for further developments on other estates. Officers informed the committee that an estimated timeline had not been established in the initial report concerning the building of social housing and that officers can report to Members a target that might be more feasible. In regards to Avondale Estate, and it’s potential for the development of social and affordable housing, this would require demolition and regeneration of the estate to which officers suggested investigating a different approach due to financial constraints.


It was confirmed that a report would be brought to the next committee meeting detailing the status of affordable housing built, in relation to the 3,700 target, and the expectations of the London Wide Plan and what the City of London Corporations’ local plan originally set out to achieve.