Agenda item

Revenue & Capital Budgets - Original Budget 2023/24 and Original 2024/25 - Excluding dwellings service charge income & expenditure

Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services, which sought approval of the provisional revenue budget for 2024/25, for subsequent submission to the Finance Committee.  The report noted that the proposed budget for 2024/25 had been prepared within the resource envelope allocated to the Executive Director, by the City Corporation’s Resource Allocation Sub Committee, including a 3% allowance for inflation.


During the discussion on this item the following points were noted:


1.     Members noted an error in respect of the allocation of staff costs to car parking but this would not affect the bottom line. 

2.     Take up of car parking spaces had declined over recent years.

3.     Over one third of expenditure had been on fire equipment and servicing, sprinklers in the car park, drainage, petrol interceptors and repairs and ventilation fans.

4.     The officer agreed to circulate the breakdown on income for parking and storage  recurrent. 

5.     Two resident engineer flats had been surrendered, contributing to a reduction in income in the Landlord Account and a reduction in expenditure in the service charge account.

6.     Salaries for permanent staff are down, as a few vacancies are being carried. However, salaries for agency staff have increased. 



The Barbican Residential Committee (BRC) is recommended to :


1.        Review the provisional 2024/25 revenue budget to ensure that it reflects the Committee’s objectives and, if so, approve the budget for submission to the Finance Committee.


2.        Review and approve the draft capital budget.


3.        Authorise the Chamberlain to revise these budgets to allow for further implications arising from departmental reorganisations and other reviews including corporate projects.






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