Agenda item

Healthwatch City of London Progress Report

Report of Healthwatch, City of London.


The Board received a report from Healthwatch, City of London, to consider a progress update.


The Board heard from the Healthwatch representative who provided a summary of the progress update. This included updates regarding concerns on overprescribing at pharmacies (which has been reported to NHS England), patient panels, deaf awareness, sessions on CPR and resuscitation, the lease and provision at the Neaman Practice, digital apps, and services and access for foot health.


Following queries, the Board heard that Healthwatch were not consulted on the appearance of leaflets but were more consulted on strategic communications.


The Board discussed the Neaman Practice, and future opportunities at the facility. It was noted that a report would be received at a future meeting of the Board which would cover plans from commissioners on models for their primary care plans, including linking to population flow and changes to primary care.


RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.


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