Agenda item

Community Engagement Update

Report of the Commissioner of Police (copy attached).


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner providing an update on recent community engagement activities, community priorities and forthcoming events.


In introducing the item, the Assistant Commissioner commented that this report reflected a newly implemented structure of the Engagement Teams, in line with the City First model.

He also pointed out that the T/Commander for Economic Crime was in discussions with the Lead Member for Community Engagement to consider the best approach to engage with businesses around the Force’s national responsibilities.


A Member sought further information about the mechanism to inform Members of the updated list of police officers serving in their respective Wards and the Committee instructed the Town Clerk to follow up this issue.


The Chairman also commented on the success of the Building Accreditation Scheme, an initiative led by the Crime Prevention Association and requested the Town Clerk to circulate a note to all Members with information on the Scheme.


RESOLVED – That the report be received and its contents noted.


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