Agenda item

Current topical issues for Open Spaces

Director of Open Spaces to be heard.


The Director of Open Spaces advised that as this was the last meeting of the Committee in its current format, she stated that she thought it would be helpful to update Members on progress, following on from the various topical issues presented to or considered by Members in the last year.


Planning – with the support of Paul Beckett (Director of Policy and Performance in the Department of Built Environment) met with the Mayor of London’s London Plan team on 14th March and had a very positive consideration of the need to protect areas and strategic spaces from inappropriate development.  Work to provide supporting evidence is progressing.


Litter Management – The trial commenced earlier this year of installing recycling bins in the City Gardens Open Spaces.  Each bin cost £800 and to date 15 have been installed and within the new financial year we hope to install a similar number.  A report will be submitted on the outcome of the trial at the end of the year ie early 2014.


Dog Control Orders – The Superintendent of Burnham Beeches has been progressing this project, both in terms of identifying the means to administrative orders in a cool effective way and also, preparing for public consultation on the proposals.  A Member expressed concern about the potential cost of enforcement arrangements and the possible use of covert surveying.  The Director advised that these were matters that would be addressed during the consultation stage and would be reported to the Committee later in the year.


Tree Disease – Following the tree conference just before Christmas with the Forestry Commission (FC), a meeting has been arranged with Sir Harry Studholme and Mathew Pencharz to press for further support in managing tree diseases across London.  The FC has been asked to provide £5m over 3 years, to reduce the impact of Oak Processionary Moth and the Director was expecting a positive response.  A Member asked about the impact of spraying on other invertebrates and was assured by the Director that most would not be affected, as the chemical has to be ingested by caterpillars at the time of spraying.